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The nomination of Dr. Khalid Mohammed Salameh, head of Oriental Languages member of the International Federation of Translators

Being International Federation of Translators elections, members of the Supreme Council for him, next Tuesday, which is experiencing elections for the first time Dr. Khalid Mohammed Salameh Chairman of the Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Arts, University of Assiut, an Egyptian, for membership in the Council's nomination, a representative of the Middle East and Africa.The International Federation of Translators of all associations of translators, and spread its organizations in five continents, was founded in Paris in 1953 by Pierre-Francois, was the founding members are six associations of translators and interpreters from Denmark, France, Italy, Norway and the Federal Republic of Germany and Turkey, and since then then the evolution of the Union to become a large enterprise in 1969, the number of ordinary members is 74 and the number of associate members 21 of these numbers are growing steadily bringing the number of members in 2012 to more than 150 professional association, representing more than 80,000 localized in 60 countries, the Union aims to promote professionalism in the disciplines that it represents and seeks to continuously improve the conditions of the profession in all countries and upholding the human translators and freedom of expression