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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

And approved by the College Board session number 211 on thestudent's enrollment freeze Khalid Abbas…
The committee approved education and student affairs students to perform sections of Islamic…
And approved by the College Board session No. 211 to freeze YitzhakSaleh third year Student in…
And approved by the College Board session No. 211 to freeze underbasem Khadija Hamdi Farouq Sabri …
تقرر عقد امتحان أعمال السنة لطلاب الفرقة الأولى المقرر عليم ادة الحاسب الآلي يو الاحد الموافق ٤/٥/…
The external audit team of the National Authority to ensure the quality of education and…
schedule time
Decide to be a regular meeting of the masters of language teachers and assistants for the month of…
Decided to set up a sports festival for college students during the period from 28.04.2014 until 04…
A Dean of the College sincere condolences to Dr. Samah Jamal Mohammed teacher allow the Department…
Decided to hold the seminar scientific student Mohammed Gomaa Abdel Aziz on the subject of…
Scientific seminar held for the student Hana Yusuf raised teacher assistant department and the…