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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

 approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 to extend the period of registration of the…
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on travelby Dr. Yousry Abdel Hakim Diab …
And approved by the College Board session No. 211 to extend theregistration period student Mohamed…
Sabbatical leave for Dr. Ghazi Amin Mansour at Taiz University And approved by the College Board …
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 to extend the registration of the student …
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 to set a date for the June exam the role…
Extend the period of registration And approved by the College Board session No. 211 to extend the…
Nomination to attend a scientific conference in Kazakhstan And approved by the College Board in its…
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 to hold the diploma exams translator in…
A lead. D. Dean and Vice-dean,  faculty members and their assistants and staff college sincere…
A lead. D. Dean of the College sincere congratulations to Dr.Mansoor Mohammed Saeed on the occasion…
English Department held a scientific seminar will be held onSunday, 05/11/2014 at 10:00 at the …