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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

Decide to be a regular meeting of the masters of language teachers and assistants for the month of…
Decided to set up a sports festival for college students during the period from 28.04.2014 until 04…
A Dean of the College sincere condolences to Dr. Samah Jamal Mohammed teacher allow the Department…
Decided to hold the seminar scientific student Mohammed Gomaa Abdel Aziz on the subject of…
Decided to hold the exam for the business year of Englishfor students of second band sections …
student Sarah Yusuf Ahmed under the title Robert Kortosbetween Crusader duty and the right to the…
A lead. D. Dean of the College sincere congratulations to Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Darwish, assistant…
Philosophy, scientific Seminar for researcher HebaMohamed Mohamed Autefi intitle theory logic …
Dean of the College sincere congratulations to Dr. KhalidIbrahim Mohamed Badra to set sovereignty …
Meeting will be held for students of the field study for students ofthe Department of Geography and…
Center intends to Arabic college courses in the following disciplines: - Special and rhyme - …
Department of History Seminar held scientific studentOsama Ahmed Zain titled papal policy toward…