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The Council of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education at Assiut University honors the president of the university

The Council of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education at Assiut University honors the president of the university in appreciation of his great support to the faculty during his presidency of the university

Media Department:

The Council of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education at Assiut University honored Dr. Tarek El-Gamal, President of the University, in appreciation of his tangible efforts throughout his presidency in the advancement of all faculties and sectors of the university and his great support for the newly established faculty, in the presence of Dr. Reham El-Meligy, Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Najwan Abbas, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Yara Ibrahim, Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Manal Anwar, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and a group of faculty members.

During the honoring, Dr. Tariq Al-Jammal expressed his sincere thanks to the members of the Council for the kind gesture and his happiness by gifting him the college shield and a number of symbolic gifts in a touch of loyalty that is not new to them, indicating that he was always keen to provide all forms of support to the college in its quest to prepare distinguished and specialized cadres from Kindergarten teachers achieve educational and scientific leadership and be able to invest technology and competition in all fields of education, learning, scientific research and community service to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development in the field of children, stressing his confidence in the college’s ability to achieve its goals thanks to its cadres that enjoy years of experience and excellence in many From the fields of educational sciences, psychological sciences and basic sciences, wishing the college and its graduates a bright future full of achievements.

For her part, Dr. Reham El-Meligy, on behalf of the members of the College Council and all its affiliates, expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. El-Gamal, who was the biggest supporter of the college during his presidency in its quest to continue implementing the vision of the Arab Republic of Egypt for Education 2030 that the college be a source of knowledge and knowledge, stressing that one of the most The factors that will help the college achieve its goals is the new headquarters of the college, under whose leadership the university has recently completed its construction and appropriately equipped works, and is scheduled to move to it at the beginning of the next academic year. The field of early childhood, which contributes to the development of the educational process and meeting the community’s need and future aspirations, which raises the status of our dear country Egypt. The college also seeks to assist researchers in the field of early childhood to conduct distinguished scientific research in the field, as well as providing community services through centers of a nature For the college, such as the public service center and the nursery, and a number of centers to be established soon, such as the Psychological Counseling Center for Children and others.


