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Discussion of the doctoral thesis submitted by the researcher / Nashwa Masoud Mahmoud Abbas

The PhD thesis submitted by researcher Nashwa Masoud Mahmoud Abbas was discussed, entitled: The effect of a program based on children’s literature on developing some values ​​of citizenship and peace among learnable mentally handicapped children.

The supervision and discussion committee was formed:

Prof. Dr. Magda Hashem Bakheet

Prof. Dr. Magdy Khair El-Din Kamel

Prof. Dr. Sahar Tawfiq Naseem

Prof. Dr. Hanan Mohamed Abdel Halim

The discussion was attended by a number of faculty members, the faculty’s assistant staff, and researchers

The researcher was awarded a doctorate degree with distinction with a recommendation to exchange with scientific research centers with our wishes for further progress and advancement

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs

Prof. Dr. Yara Ibrahim Mohamed

Dean of the College and Supervisor of the Department of Basic Sciences

Prof. Reham Refaat El-Meligy


