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An introductory symposium on the most important activities and programs of the Science, Technology and Innovation Financing Authority

An invitation to the faculty members and the faculty’s supporting body to attend the introductory symposium, which is held under the patronage of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Tarek El-Gamal, President of Assiut University and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Minshawy, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research.

On Sunday 16/1/2022, Prof. Walaa Sheta, CEO of the Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Authority, will hold an introductory symposium on the most important activities and programs of the Authority to support scientific research, technological development and innovation, in addition to the details of the initiative to support free scientific publishing (open access) In cooperation with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, the publisher (Springer Nature), which started its trial operation as of January 2022 as a first stage.

The symposium will be held in the eight hall of the university’s administrative building at eleven o’clock in the morning