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The scientific seminar was held for the Department of Educational Sciences For researcher/ Rahma…
A master's thesis submitted by researcher Yusriya Siraj Mohamed Farghaly was discussed, entitled:…
​ God willing, a master's thesis discussion will be held by researcher Yusriya Siraj Muhammad…
A visit to the members of the Early Childhood Education Faculties Sector Committee at the Supreme…
The scientific seminar was held for the Department of Educational Sciences For researcher/ Asmaa…
Holding a scientific seminar for the Department of Educational Sciences For the researcher/ Heba…
The Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Assiut University, mourns with sincere sadness the loss…
​ Important announcement The Public Service Center at the College of Early Childhood Education…
Prof. Dr. Reham El-Meligy, the Dean of the College, the Deans of the College, the faculty members,…
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Reham Rifaat Al-Meligy, Dean of the College Mr. Wael Salah in…
​ Prof. Dr. Reham Rifaat El-Meligy, Dean of the College, extends congratulations to the faculty…