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Discussion of the master's thesis submitted by the researcher / Sabreen Abdel Rahim


A master's thesis submitted by researcher / Sabreen Abdel Rahim, entitled A training program for kindergarten teachers based on the use of the story in developing some cultural values ​​for kindergarten children, was discussed.

The supervision and discussion committee was formed:

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sayed Ibrahim

Prof. Dr. Reham Refaat El-Meligy

Prof. Dr. Manal Anwar

Dr. Tarek Salam

The discussion was attended by a number of faculty members, the faculty’s assistant staff, and researchers

The researcher was awarded a master's degree with excellent grades, with our wishes for further progress and advancement

Head of the Department of Educational Sciences

Prof. Dr. Lamia Ahmed Kadwany

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs

Prof. Dr. Yara Ibrahim Mohamed

Dean of the College

Prof. Dr. Reham Refaat El-Meligy

