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Documents Required for Tuition fees Reduction


For students who are eligible for tuition fees reduction, visit the Youth Welfare Administration and fill in the application.

·  A social study report issued by the relevant social affairs office

·  A declaration of agricultural land ownership issued by the relevant agricultural society

·  A copy of the student's national ID card

·  A copy of the student's university tuition payment receipt

·  If the student is a child of university employees:

  • A copy of the parent's salary slip
  • A copy of the parent's national ID card
  • A copy of the student's national ID card
  • A tuition payment receipt from the relevant faculty's student affairs office
  • ·  If the student or their parents have chronic diseases:

  • Medical reports for the student or parents
  • ·  If the student's parent is a war veteran or a victim of war:

  • Relevant documentation
  • If the student's parent is deceased or divorced:
  • Death certificate or divorce decree
  • If the student's parent is imprisoned:

  • Documentation confirming imprisonment
  • For students with disabilities:

    Documentation from the university's disability support center specifying the type of disability

    ·  If the student or their parent receives social welfare benefits (Hayat Karima):

  • A copy of the benefit payment receipt