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Digital Egypt Pioneers Initiative DEPI

The Digital Egypt Pioneers Initiative (DEPI) is a program launched by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) in Egypt. It aims to cultivate highly skilled and innovative individuals who can lead the charge in the country's digital transformation.


Here are some key features of DEPI:

  • Focus on cutting-edge technologies: DEPI provides training in various in-demand fields like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and data science.
  • Skills development and leadership: The program goes beyond technical skills, offering training in leadership, management, communication, and entrepreneurship.
  • Collaboration with industry leaders: DEPI partners with international and local tech companies to offer hands-on experience and practical learning opportunities.
  • Multiple tracks and scholarships: The program offers different tracks catering to specific needs and career aspirations, with scholarships available for qualified candidates.
  • Focus on youth empowerment: DEPI prioritizes equipping young Egyptians with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the digital economy.

To register, visit the program website: