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Ph. D. In () , , 2002

Professor Faculty of Education, ِِAssiut University , 2012

Associate Professor Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 2007

Lecturer Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 2002

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 1999

Demonstrator Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 1995

Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs Faculty of Education, Assiut University ,since 2013-10-01

CIQAP management team member Faculty of Education, Assiut University ,since 2010-03-20 To 2010-05-03

CIQAP executive vice director Faculty of Education, Assiut University ,since 2010-06-12 To 2010-10-02

CIQAP executive director Faculty of Education, Assiut University ,since 2010-10-25 To 2011-01-06
No. Title
17 مهارات الأداء اللغوي الإبداعي لدى التلاميذ الموهوبين بالمرحلة الإعدادية
18 فاعلية نموذج تدريسي في الأدب قائم على نظرية التعلم
المستند إلى الدماغ في تنمية مهارات الإبداع اللغوي
19 برنامج قائم على معايير التدريس الحقيقي لتنمية مهارات
معلمي اللغة العربية الابداعية وعادات العقل المنتج لدى
20 فاعلية إستراتيجية النمذجة المدعومة بالويب كويست
في علاج الفهم الخطأ لبعض المفاهيم الدينية
الإسلامية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية
21 قياس مستوى الإبداع في اللُّغة العربية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية المعاقين سمعياً والمعاقين بصرياً في مصر والمملكة العربية السعودية (دراسة مقارنة)
22 فاعلية برنامج مقترح باستخدام إستراتيجيات ما وراء
المعرفة المدعومة بالويب كويست لعلاج الفهم الخطأ
لبعض المفاهيم الدينية و تنمية بعض مهارات التفكير
الناقد لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية
23 تأثير إضافة ما وراء المعرفة إلى قصص الأطفال في تنمية مهارات التفكير ومهارات الاستماع لدى أطفال المرحلة الابتدائية
24 تنمية مهارات التدريس الإبداعي المناسبة لممارسة معايير التدريس الحقيقي لدى معلمي اللغة العربية
1- Shehata Ahmed Al Samman , The effectiveness of an enrichment program based on the standards of excellence in the Arabic language to develop the skills of language performance and self-learning among students who excel in general secondary education ,2012-09-18
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Abdel Razek Mokhtar Mahmoud. Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Ali Rashwan.

2- Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed , "Effectiveness of a program based on life skills in the teaching of the Arabic language in the development of language performance and the ability to take responsibility towards learning among primary school students." ,2016-10-24
supervisor: Prof. Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Ibrahim. Prof. Dr. Abdel Razek Mokhtar Mahmoud. Dr. Abdul Rahim Fathi Mohammed.

3- Shaima Mahmoud Sayed Abounaji , The effectiveness of a teaching model in Arabic based on learning based on the brain in developing the skills of linguistic creativity and motivation for achievement in secondary students Azhar ,2015-12-31
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Abdel Razek Mokhtar Mahmoud. Prof. Abdel Wahab Hashem Sayed.

4- Azza Ali Mansour Salama Ali , The effectiveness of using some strategies based on the habits of the mind to teach reading in the development of creative reading skills and to speak to students in the sixth grade primary ,2018-01-01
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zain Mohamed Shehata Dr. Wael Salah Mohamed.

5- Asmaa Hassan Abdel Aal , The effectiveness of the use of guided imagination in the development of some creative writing skills of second grade students ,2018-01-01
supervisor: Prof. Ali Hassan Ahmed Abdullah. Dr. Shaaban Mohamed Mahmoud.

6- Asma Mohamed Mahrous , The effectiveness of a program in the teaching of rhetoric is based on some of the meta-knowledge strategies in developing the rhetorical concepts and literary taste skills of students in the first grade secondary ,2014-01-01
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zain Mohamed Shehata Dr. Ali Abdel Fattah Ali.

7- Izzat Salah Abdel Latif Omar , "The effectiveness of a proposed program using the Meta-Knowledge strategies supported by Web Quest to address the misconception of some religious concepts and the development of higher thinking skills among middle school students" ,2016-12-20
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Abdel Razek Mokhtar Mahmoud Prof. Abdel Wahab Hashem Sayed

8- Abdul Tawab Mohammed Abdalbari , "A program based on mental maps to develop the skills of creative written expression among students in the preparatory stage" ,2016-04-18
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Abdel Razek Mokhtar Mahmoud Dr. Abdul Rahim Fathi Mohammed

9- Saber Allam Osman Allam , Effectiveness of a Program Based on Cultural Purposes in the Light of the Challenges of the 21st Century for Non-Arabic Speakers in Developing Their Linguistic Communication and Enriching Their Dictionary ,2017-11-29

10- Saber Allam Osman Allam , A Program Based on Corrective Reading and Revision Process for Overcoming Writing Difficulties among Girls Friendly School Students. ,2014-05-13

11- Fatma Mohamed Mohamed Said , program based on the theory of brain-based learning for the development of creative reading comprehension skills and habits of productive mind among the first year secondary students. ,2014-06-30
supervisor: Ahmad Said Mohamed Ibrahim, Abdel Razik Mokhtar Mahmoud Abdel Kader