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Discussion of a doctoral thesis in Education, specializing in Comparative Education and Educational Administration, presented by researcher/ Hiyam Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ahmed, assistant teacher, Department of Comparative Education and Educational Administra

Today, Wednesday, 11/5/2022, discussion of a doctoral thesis in education, specializing in comparative education and educational administration, presented by researcher/ Hiyam Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ahmed, assistant teacher in the Department of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Assiut University


The possibility of applying some international competitive programs in the development of university education in Egypt (a comparative study)

All thanks and appreciation to the discussion and judging committee

Prof. Dr./ Shaker Mohamed Fathy Ahmed, Professor of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University

Chairman and discussant

Prof. Dr. Osama Mahmoud Qarni, Professor and Head of the Department of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Beni Suef University

member and discussion

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hussein Abdel-Moaty, Professor of Fundamentals of Education and Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Education, Assiut University

member and supervisor

Prof. Dr. Naamat Abdel Nasser Ahmed, Professor of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Full-time Assistant, Faculty of Education, Assiut University

member and supervisor

With our best wishes for continued success and progress