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Discussion of the Master's thesis in Education submitted by the researcher / Fatima Hassan

Today, Wednesday, 7/6/2022, the discussion of a master's thesis in education presented by researcher / Fatima Hassan, entitled

The use of the Forest model in teaching Arabic to develop creative listening skills and fluency of ideas among linguistically superior middle school students.

Congratulations to the researcher and all thanks and appreciation to the discussion and judging committee:

a. Dr. Abdel Razek Mokhtar Mahmoud, Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Arabic Language, Faculty of Education, Assiut University, President and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Aqili Muhammad Muhammad, Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Arabic Language and Head of the Curriculum and Instruction Department, Faculty of Education, New Valley University, member and discussant

Prof. Dr. Waheed Hamed Abdel Rashid, Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education for Education and Student Affairs, Faculty of Education, New Valley University, member and discussant

Prof. Dr. Amani Hamed Marghani, Assistant Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Arabic Language, Faculty of Education, Assiut University. member and supervisor

With our wishes for continued success and progress.