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Discussion of a master's thesis in special education, specialization (autism), submitted by researcher Jumana Ahmed Abdel Samad Mohammed Hassan Dashti, entitled: "The effectiveness of a training program using interactive digital stories to improve some ac

On Sunday 9/8/2024, a master's thesis in special education, specializing in (autism), was discussed by researcher Jumana Ahmed Abdel Samad Mohamed Hassan Dashti, entitled: "The effectiveness of a training program using interactive digital stories to improve some academic skills among students of the autistic behavior school in the State of Kuwait

Under the supervision of:

-Prof. Dr. Ali Sayed Abdel Jalil

Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods - Faculty of Education - Assiut University.

-Dr. Maysara Hamdy Shaker

Lecturer of Mental Health - Faculty of Education, Assiut University.

The discussion and judging committee consisted of the following professors: -

1- Prof. Dr. Ali Sayed Abdel Jalil

Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods - Faculty of Education - Assiut University - Chairman and Supervisor

2- Prof. Dr. Mustafa Abdel Mohsen Al-Hadibi

Professor of Mental Health - Faculty of Education - Assiut University - Member and Discussant

3- Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Thabet Ibrahim

Assistant Professor of Mental Health - Faculty of Education - South Valley University - Member And discussing