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Ph.D. In Curriculums & Teaching methods of Social Studies , 1997

Master degree. In Curriculums & Teaching methods of Social Studies , 

Professor Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 2009

Associate Professor Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 2003

Lecturer Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 1998
No. Title
1 أبعاد الأمن القومي المائي بمناهج الدراسات الاجتماعية بالحلقة الابتدائية
2 أبعاد الأمن القومي المائي بمناهج الدراسات الاجتماعية بالحلقة الابتدائية
( دراسة تحليلية )
3 إعداد المعلم ومقترح تنميته بما يتناسب مع الاتجاهات المعاصرة
4 أثر استخدام نموذج التعلم المعرفي في تعديل التصورات البديلة لبعض المفاهيم السياسية وتنمية الميل نحو مادة التاريخ لطالبات الصف الثالث الإعدادي في ضوء أنماط تعلمهم المفضلة.
5 فعالية مقرر في طرق تدريس الجغرافيا باستخدام أسلوب التعليم الإلكتروني لتنمية التحصيل واكتساب بعض مهارات البحث في طـرق تدريـس الجغرافيا والميل نحو دراستها لدى طلاب الفرقة الثالثة شعبة الجغرافيا بكلية التربية بالمنيا0
6 وحدة مقترحة في الاجتماعيات لتلاميذ الصف السادس الابتدائي في ضوء المعايير القومية وأثرها في رفع مستوى التحصيل وتنمية مهارات التفكير الناقد والميل نحو المادة 0-
7 بعض استراتيجيات معالجة المعلومات المناسبة للتدريس للأطفال ضعاف السمع
Some Strategies for Processing Appropriate Information for Teaching Hearing Impaired Children
8 برنامج مقترح لعلاج بعض صعوبات تعلم التاريخ لدى تلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي .

1- Ayat Mohamed Osman Abdel Aal , The impact of the use of the strategy of education in the teaching of history to develop the skills of the future thinking and some habits of mind produced by students in the primary school of community education ,2018-04-19
supervisor: Prof: Fayza Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed D.r.Gamal Hassan Al-sayed Ibrahim

2- Safa Mohamed Ali Mohamed , Effect of the use of cooperative learning method in the teaching of social studies on achievement and development of values for students in the fourth grade of primary ,2002-03-30
supervisor: Dr. Fayza Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed

3- Mahmoud Mohamedine Moussa , The Effect of Using the Environmental Approach in Teaching Social Studies on Achievement and Development of Tourism Awareness among First Grade Students ,2003-06-29
supervisor: Dr. Hamoud Mohamed Hassan Dr. Fayza Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed

4- Hana Hosni Ali Ibrahim , The impact of the use of history curricula in the development of cultural self - critical thinking skills of students in the first grade secondary ,2008-10-19
supervisor: Dr. Yahia Attieh Seaman Dr. Fayza Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed

5- . Ashraf Abdel Rahman , The effectiveness of a proposed program for students of the "Geography Division" of the Faculty of Education in acquiring future thinking strategies and developing their awareness towards some future issues ,2004-11-07
supervisor: • Prof. Dr. Mansoor Ahmad Abd El-Moniem Dr. Fayza Ahmad Ahmad.

6- Safa Mohamed Ali Mohamed , The Effect of Using Concept Maps and the Hilda Taba Model in the Development of Historical Concepts and Historical Thinking in Preparatory Students ,2004-09-22
supervisor: Dr. Yahia Attieh Seaman A 0 Dr. Hamoud Mohamed Hassan Dr. Fayza Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed

7- Adel Rasmy Hammad , Proposed program in social studies to develop the concept of citizenship for students in the preparatory stage ,2001-09-30
supervisor: Fikri Hassan Rayyan Dr. Dr. Mostafa Mohamed Zayed Dr. Fayza Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed

8- Ahmad. Zaare Ahmad. , “The Effectiveness of a Proposed Integrative Program for Development Some Mathematical Concepts and Skills Necessary for Students Learning Geograpgy ” ,2001-09-30
supervisor: Dr. Fayza Ahmad Ahmad.

9- Name of the researcher : Ahmed mohammed Abdul . Motaleb Abdul . Hafez . , The title : The effect of using the historical evidences in teaching the social studies on developing same of the historical research for the second year prep pupils . ,2005-11-27
supervisor: Supervisors : Dr : Eman Moktar Hemida Dr : Fayza Ahmed Ahmed Dr : Adel Rasmy Hammad

10- Magdy Kheir El-Deen Kamel. , A Suggested Program in Social Studies to Develop Maps Skills and Spatial Ability of Preparatory Stage Students”. ,2003-09-21
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mansoor Ahmad Abd El-Moniem Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Shehata Mohamed Dr. Fayza Ahmad Ahmad.

11- Aref Mohamed Ali El-Mansoury Demonstrator at the Faculty of Education, Omran, Sana'a University , The Effectiveness of Basic Education Grade 8 Geography Syllabus in the Republic of Yemen in developing some concepts of international education and the Attitude towards them ,2007-10-28
supervisor: Dr. Fayza Ahmed Ahmed El-Sayed Dr. Magdy Kheir El-Din Kamel

12- Fawzi Said Abd-Allah Al-Ammari Assistant lecturer in faculty of Education Aden University , Yaman Republic , Developing a program to the history curriculum in the high-stage of the basic-education in Yemen Republic in the light of some contemporary Trends ,2005-06-27

13- Hanaa Hosney Ali Ibrahim Demonstrator at the Curriculum and Instruction dept , Faculty of Education , Assuit University , The Effectiveness of Using Jigsaw one of The Active Learning Strategies for Teaching History for Developing Some Critical Thinking Skills of Second Year Preparatory Students ,2005-09-25
supervisor: Prof./Refat Mohamed Hassan Elmelegy Dr. / Fayza Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed

14- Magdy Kheir El-Deen Kamel , A Suggested Program in Social Studies for Developing Map Skills and Spatial Ability of Preparatory Stage Pupils ” ,2003-09-21
supervisor: Prof. Mansour Ahmed Abdel Monem Prof. El Sayed Shehata Mohammed Dr. Fayza Ahmed Ahmed

15- Mustafa Said Aref Ismail A Senior teacher of History at Tahta Secondary school for Girls , The Effectiveness of A suggested program in History for the development of some human rights concepts ,and the secondary stage students attitude to political participation, and critical thinking. ,2010-06-28
supervisor: Prof./ Refat Mohamed Hassan El Melegy Professor of Curricula & Math instruction, Faculty of Education -Assiut University Prof./ Fayza Ahamed Ahamed ElSayed Professor of Curricula & Social Studies instruction, Faculty of Education -Assiut University

16- Bakira Ahmed Mosleh El-Riyashi Demonstrator of the Faculty of Education Sana’a University For the Requirement of the M.A Degree in Education (Curricula & Instruction) Social studies “History” , The Effect of Using the Local Environment Approach of Teaching History on the Achievement and the Development of Environmental Awareness for Second-year Secondary School Female Students in Yemen ,2007-10-28
supervisor: Dr.Faiza Ahmed Ahmed Elsayed Associate Professor of Curricula and Social Studies Instruction Faculty of Education Assiut University Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Shehata Mohamed El-Maraghy Prof. and Head of the Department of Curricula and Methods of Teaching

17- Nadia Abdel Jawad Mohammed Hassan , "The impact of the use of generative learning strategy in teaching psychology to develop some skills inferential thinking among secondary school students." ,2013-05-12

18- Taher Mahmoud Mouhamed El-Hnan , The Effectiveness of Using Reciprocal Teaching History for Developing Achievement and Critical Thinking Skills for Preparatory Students ,2008-04-22
supervisor: Faiza Ahmad Ahmad El-Said, Ali Kamal Ali Maabd

19- Ali Nasser Abdel Latif Soliman , The effectiveness of using analogies strategy in teaching the geography for developing some of space concepts and map perception and achievement level of visually handicapped students in the preparatory stage ,2008-04-23
supervisor: Faiza Ahmad Ahmad, Magdy Khir El-Din Kamel

20- Moustafa Said Aref Ismail , The effectiveness of a suggested program in history for the development of some human rights concepts, and the secondary stage students attitude to political participation, and critical thinking ,2010-06-07
supervisor: Refaat Mouhamed Hassan El-Mlaigy, Faiza Ahmad Ahmad El-Said, Adel Rasmy Hmad El-Nagdy

21- Nancey Rfaat Mouhamed Mahfouz , The effectiveness of using inquiry strategy in teaching a social study syllabus unit on developing some life skills and critical thinking among first year prepartory pupils ,2009-03-11
supervisor: Faiza Ahmad Ahmad El-Said, Adel Rasmy Hmad El-Nagdy, Ali Kmal Ali Maabd

22- , ,2001-02-14