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Formation of a committee debate and judge Master's Thesis in Special Education Balbagesh\ Hana Amira Mohamed Mohamed

Formation of a committee debate and judge Master's Thesis in Special Education Balbagesh\ Hana Amira Mohamed Mohamed The approval of the Department of Psychology on 06/01/2015 m to form a committee discussion and judgment on the master's thesis in special education Balbagesh\ Hana Amira Mohamed Mohamed specialty (educational psychology) entitled "The effectiveness of the rehabilitation program for the development of qualified teachers to connect with Special Needs schools overall merger Assiut act within the research." Committee discussion and the referee is composed of Messrs: 1. D / Ahmed Osman Saleh Tantawi Educational Psychology Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Education - Assiut University president and supervisor 2. D /ali Ahmed Sayed Mustafa Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education - Assiut University and a member of supervisor 3. D / FAUQIA Ahmed Abdul Fattah Professor of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education - Beni Suef University and a member of discussing 4. d / Mohammed Shaaban Farghaly Professor of Educational Psychology Assistant, Faculty of Education - Assiut University and a member of discussing   Note that the student passed the exam courses with distinction (Excellent)