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Formation of a committee discussion and governance own Balbagesh / Yasmin Abdul el nazir Kahil Shehata recorded in the Master of Education

Formation of a committee discussion and governance own Balbagesh\ Yasmin Abdul  el nazir Kahil Shehata recorded in the Master of Education Council child-rearing department approval on 06/07/2015 m to form a committee discussion and governance own Balbagesh\ Yasmin Abdul  elnazeer Kahil Shehata registered for a master's degree in Education (child-rearing), entitled "The Impact of dynamic breeding program to develop Sensory Perception - kinesthetic the talented children with Attention Deficit Disorder accompanied by excessive activity "  Committee discussion and the referee is composed of Messrs: 1. A .d Kamel Abdel Majid Qansuh , president and supervisor Professor of curriculum and teaching physical education and agent Faculty of Physical Education for Community Service and Environmental Development previously - Assiut University 2. A . d Nabil  elsyed Hassan Gabbas members and discussing             Professor of Child Education and Dean of the Faculty of kindergarten - Minia University      3. a d Tariq Mohammed Jaber members and discussing Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Assistant Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University   Note that the student passed the exam courses appreciated (very good)