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Formation of a committee for discussion and judgment of the researcher / AMIRA mahros Mahmoud gastrula department and recorded in the Master of Education

Formation of a committee for discussion and judgment of the researcher\ AMIRA mahros Mahmoud gastrula department and recorded in the Master of Education Council child-rearing department approval on 06/07/2015 m to form a committee discussion and governance own Balbagesh\ AMIRA guarded Mahmoud gastrula department and registered for a master's degree in Education (child-rearing) entitled "The effectiveness of the breeding program kinetics proposed using learning Exeplar to give some of the concepts and practices skeleton of a child Kindergarten " Committee discussion and the referee is composed of Messrs: 1. A .Kamel Abdel Majid Qansuh president and supervisor Professor of Curriculum and teaching physical education and agent Faculty of Physical Education for Community Service and Environmental Development previously - Assiut University 2. A . d . Ibthag  Mahmoud Talba request and discussing Professor of curricula and programs of the Child - Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of kindergarten - Cairo University 3. A . d . Magda Hashim Bakhit members and discussing Professor and Head of Children's Education Department, Faculty of Education - Assiut University note that the student passed the exam courses appreciated (very good)