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Formation of a committee for discussion message researcher / Abdul Rahim Fathi registered for Ph.D. in Education (curriculum and methods of teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies)

Committee was formed to debate the message researcher / Abdul Rahim Fathi Mohammed Ismail , assistant lecturer department and the Registrar of the Ph.D. in Education ( curriculum and methods of teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies ) entitled ( a program using The model consisted Alastadt Skambr systems thinking and performance of linguistic creative I have gifted students linguistically preparatory stage Committee consists of discussion and governance : 1 - a . D . Hassan Sayed Hassan Shehata, president and discussions Professor of curriculum and teaching methods Arabic And Islamic Studies , Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University Members and discussions 2 - a . D . Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Ibrahim Professor of curriculum and teaching methods of Arabic and Islamic Studies and a member of a supervisor The Dean of the Faculty of Educational Assiut University 3 - a . D . Ahmed Mohamed Ali Rashwan Professor of curriculum and teaching through the Arabic and Islamic Studies Member and supervisor Faculty of Education - Assiut University 4 - a . D . Hassan Omran Hassan Professor of curriculum and teaching through the Arabic and Islamic Studies Members and discussions Faculty of Education - Assiut University