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Formation of the discussion and governance committee of the researcher / Thabit Hamdi Thabet, the assistant teacher in the department and the registrar of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Comparative Education)

The approval of the Board of Education Section on 14/5/2018 on the formation of the discussion and governance committee for the researcher / Thabet Hamdi Thabet, the assistant teacher in the department and the registrar of the degree of philosophy of education in the field of "Comparative Education" entitled "Universities of Business Organizations: Experiences of the United States of America, China and Germany - Comparative Study "The discussion and governance committee consists of:1-a. Ahmed Ismail Hajji member and discussion          Professor of comparative education and full-time educational administration - Faculty of Education - Helwan University2- Dr. Shaker Mohamed Fathy Ahmed as a member and discussion         Professor of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University3. Dr.. Inas Ibrahim Ahmed Hawail as a Supervisory Member          Professor of Comparative Education and Assistant Educational Administration - Faculty of Education - Assiut University4. Dr.. Omar Mohamed Mohamed Morsi as an honorable member          Assistant Professor of Education, Faculty of Education, Assiut University5. Dr.. Nemat Abdel Nasser Ahmed as a supervisor          Professor of Comparative Education and Associate Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Assiut University