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Formation of the discussion and judgment committee of the researcher / Mostafa Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa

The approval of the Psychology Department Council on 6/9/2017 on the formation of the discussion and judgment committee of the researcher / Mustafa Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa, the Registrar of the Master Degree in Education (Educational Psychology) entitled "The impact of a training program based on the activities of multiple intelligences in developing the skills of verbal creativity in Students with Visually Impaired High School "  The discussion and governance committee consists of:1- Prof. Dr. Najdi & Nais Habashi as Chairman and Discussant             Professor of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Minia University2- Dr. Khader Mekhemer Abu Zeid as a member and supervisor             Professor of Educational Psychology and Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs, Faculty of Education, Assiut University3- Dr. Muntasser Salah Omar, member and discussion             Professor of Educational Psychology Assistant Faculty of Education - Assiut University