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Formation of the discussion and judgment committee of the researcher / Saad Hassan Mohieddin Abdel Wahab

Approval of the Council of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department on 4/6/2017The formation of the discussion committee and the special provisionResearcher / Saad Hassan Mohieddin Abdel WahabDoctor of Philosophy in Education (Curriculum and Methodology of Teaching Technology)Entitled "The Effectiveness of a Program Based on Participatory Learning Using the Cloud Computing Environment in the Development of Some E-Project Skills for Students of the Faculty of Specific Education at Assiut University".The discussion and governance committee consists of:1- Prof. Helmi Abul Fotouh Abdel Khalek Ammar as president and discussion                 Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods and Vice Dean of Faculty of Education, Shebin El Koum, Menoufia University2- Prof. Adel Rasmi Hammad on a member and discuss                Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Dean of the Faculty of Education - Assiut University3- Prof. Sayed Mohammed Abdul Jalil as a member and supervisor               Professor and Head of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department, Faculty of Education, Assiut University