The approval of the Board of the department in its session no. (93) dated 9/9/218 AD on the formation of a committee to review the observations of the auditors in and out of the educational programs and the results of the analysis of the exam paper and the results of evaluating students' opinions in the headquarters and the results of the analysis of the views of beneficiaries in the educational programs as follows:1- Prof. Hassan Mohamed Hawail as President2- Dr. Usama Arabi Mohamed as a member3 - Dr. Ahmed Hassan Ahmed Nassir member4- Dr. Osama Mahmoud Mohammed as a member5. Amani Hamed Marghani as a member6- Ahlam Desouki Aref as a member
Forming a committee to review the observations of the internal and external auditors on the educational programs, the results of the analysis of the exam paper, the results of evaluating the students' opinions in the headquarters and the results of the an
Faculty of Education
Assiut University