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Discussing a number of master's and doctoral theses in the various departments of the college

On a distinguished scientific day, Thursday 2/27/2025, a number of master's and doctoral theses were discussed in the various departments of the college, as follows:

** A doctoral thesis in education, specializing in Arabic language curricula and teaching methods, submitted by the researcher / Intisar Abdel Majeed Attia, entitled A program based on successful intelligence in developing creative reading and analytical thinking skills among linguistically gifted female students in secondary school in Kuwait

The discussion and judging committee consisted of

Prof. Dr. Abdel Razek Mukhtar Mahmoud, Professor, Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, Assiut University, Chairman and Supervisor

Assistant Professor Dr. Hassan Tahami Abdel-Latif, Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies Curricula, Faculty of Education, South Valley University, Member and Discussant

Assistant Professor Dr. Mohamed Hammam Hadi, Assistant Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, South Valley University, Member and Examiner

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ali Rashwan, Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Full-time Faculty of Education, Assiut University, Member and Supervisor

**PhD thesis in Education, Specializing in Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Submitted by the Researcher / Abdul Rahman Mohamed Hedhal Al-Mutairi

Titled Professional Development for Pre-University Education Leaders in Light of the Requirements of Digital Transformation, a Field Study in the State of Kuwait

The discussion and research committee consisted of:

Prof. Dr. Manal Rashad Abdel Fattah

Professor and Head of the Department of Comparative Education and Educational Administration and former Dean of the Faculty of Education, Suez University, Chairman and Examiner

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hussein Abdel-Moaty, Professor of Principles of Education and former Vice Dean of the Faculty for Graduate Studies, Faculty of Education, Assiut University, Member and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Hanan Salah El-Din Mohamed El-Halwani, Professor and Head of the Department of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Assiut University Assiut Member and Discussant

Assistant Professor/ Nemat Abdel Nasser Ahmed, Assistant Professor of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Assiut University Member and Supervisor

**PhD Thesis in Education, Curriculum and Teaching Methods (Mathematics Specialization)

Submitted by the researcher/ Noura Shaalan Suleiman Al-Anzi

Under the title of a program based on teaching thinking to Schwartz in teaching geometry to develop reflective thinking skills and some life skills among fifth-grade primary school students in the State of Kuwait

The discussion and judgment committee consisted of the following professors

Prof. Dr. Hamdi Mohamed Morsi Farghali

Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Mathematics, Faculty of Education - Assiut University Chairman and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Faiza Ahmed Mohamed Hamada

Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Mathematics, Faculty of Education - Assiut University Member and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Howayda Mahmoud Sayed

Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Mathematics, Faculty of Education - Assiut University Member Discussant

Assistant Professor/ Amal Mohamed Mohamed Amin

Assistant Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Faculty of Education - Minia University Member and Discussant

** Master's thesis in education submitted by researcher/ Faisal Atiq Hayyan, specializing in comparative education and educational administration, entitled Organizational loyalty in the school community and its relationship to enhancing competitiveness in secondary schools, a field study in the State of Kuwait. The discussion and judging committee consisted of:

Professor Dr. Hanan Al-Halwani, Professor and Head of the Department of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Chairman and Examiner. Professor Dr. Ali Zaki, Professor of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Minia University, Member and Examiner.

Professor Dr. Abdel Hakim Radwan, Professor of Comparative Education and Educational Administration, Member and Supervisor.

**PhD thesis in Education, specializing in (Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies), submitted by researcher Azza Abdel Aziz Fathy Abdel Aziz, entitled Using the Motivation-Based Learning Model in Teaching Arabic to Improve Reading Performance and Reduce Mental Wandering among Slow-Learning Preparatory School Students.

The discussion and judging committee consisted of the following professors:

Prof. Dr. Abdel Razek Mokhtar Mahmoud

Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies - Faculty of Education - Assiut University Chairman and Supervisor

Professor Dr. Amani Helmy Abdel Hamid Amin

Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies - Faculty of Education - Sohag University Member and Discussant

Professor Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ali Rashwan

Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies Full-time - Faculty of Education - Assiut University Member and Supervisor

Professor Dr. Amani Hamed Marghani

Assistant Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies - Faculty of Education - Assiut University Member and Supervisor