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The approval of the Board of the Department of Education Assets on 4/7/18/18 on the formation of…
Approval of the Board of Education Assets Section on 11/12/2017On the recommendation to grant the…
Approval of the Board of Education Assets Section on 11/12/2017Recommending granting the researcher…
Approval of the Department of Psychology on 3/12/2017On the recommendation to grant the researcher…
Approval of the Council of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department on 3/12/2017To recommend the…
College Council approved No. (576) on 18/12/2017On the proposed composition of the Board of…
In order to develop the educational process and to facilitate our children studentsWe publish to…
In order to develop the educational process and to facilitate our children studentsWe publish the…
In the framework of the directions of Prof. Dr. Adel Rasmi Hammad Al-NajdiDean of the College and…