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The Committee of Public Service, the Faculty of Education intends to Start a convoy for raising the educational awareness at Beni Murr Preparatory School on Monday, 10/15/2012
The Curricula and Teaching Methods Department Seminar, Faculty of Education Assiut University will be held on Tuesday, 24/1/2012, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m at class 2, faculty staff building Head of…
Prof. Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Education, and Prof. Mohamed Riyad Ahmed, Chairman of the Department of Psychology, and Director of the Centre for Psychic consultations,…
The Youth Welfare Administration plans to establish the activities of  the third Sports Day for  the faculty members, staff and students in these Games: Volleyball - Chess - Table tennis - speed ball…
Council College of Education approved No. 533 dated 23/02/2014 m on Adoption of internal criteria for acceptance master's and doctoral degrees, Department of Psychology
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 15/02/2014 AD registration the researcher / Rania Ahmed Mahmoud Mahfouz Master's degree in Education (Curriculum and Instruction Art…
he approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 15/02/2014 AD registration the researcher / Reem Abdel Aal Thabet Abdel Rahim Master's degree in Education (Curriculum and Instruction…
Committee was formed to debate and governance Private Investigator / Saber Allam restorer department and the Registrar of the Master's Degree in Education ( curriculum and methods of teaching Arabic…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction dated 09.13.2014 AD to accept the apology Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Mohamed Ali Rashwan for overseeing the student / Shaimaa Mahmoud Sayed Mahmoud…
Council approval of the Department of Education origins dated 10/12/2014 on the formation of a committee for discussion and governance Balbagesh / Warda Ahmed Hussein Mohamed registered for a master…
Council approval of the Department of Education origins dated 10/12/2014 of the recommendation to grant researcher / Syed Abdul Zahir Mahmoud Abdel-Alim Master's degree in Education (origins of…
Decided to hold a training workshop for the principles of information technology so as to faculty members and their assistants and STAFF starting on Sunday, 10/26/2014 from 11 am to 2 pm the first…