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The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods on 14.10.2014 under the…
Decided to hold a training workshop for the principles of information technology so as to faculty…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction dated 14/10/2014 on the scar of a…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction dated 14.10.2014 Ali Under the…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods dated 10/14/2014 on the…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods on 14.10.2014 under the…
Council approval of the Department of Education's assets on 47/4/2014 on the subject of recording…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction dated 14.10.2014 to accept the apology…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods dated 10/14/2014 to do // Dr.…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction dated 14.10.2014 on formations exams…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction dated 14/10/2014 on the proposal to…