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Formation of the discussion and judgment committee of the researcher / Nashwa Hassan on the registered researcher for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies)

The approval of the Council of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department on 10/2/2012 on the formation of the discussion and judgment committee for the researcher / Nashwa Hassan on the registered researcher for the degree of philosophy of education in the specialization (curriculum and methods of teaching Arabic language and Islamic studies) entitled "Effectiveness of the use of the program in developing the skills of thinking Creativity in reading for students of the first grade secondary "The discussion and judgment committee consists of the following:1.D. Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Ibrahim Chairman and discussion    Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods of the Faculty of Education - Assiut University2. Prof. Hassan Omran Hassan as a member and supervisor    Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods of Faculty of Education, Assiut University  3.D. Sayed Al-Sayeh Hamdan member and discussion      Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Qena, South Valley University  4.D. Abdel Wahab Hashim Sayed as a member and supervisor      Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods of the full-time assistant at the Faculty of Education, Assiut University