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The formation of the discussion and judgment committee of the researcher / Ibtisam Jamal Aldin Ahmed registered to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Teaching Psychology)

The approval of the Psychology Department Council on 3/2/2019 on the formation of the discussion and judgment committee of the researcher / Ibtisam Jamal Aldin Ahmed registered for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Educational Psychology) entitled "The effectiveness of a program based on NLP in increasing the working memory capacity of pupils Primary school and its impact on the treatment of difficulties in learning their mathematics "The discussion and judgment committee consists of the following:1 - Dr. / Imam Mustafa Sayed, president and discussionProfessor of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Assiut University2- Dr. Imad Ahmed Hassan Ali as a member and supervisorProfessor of Educational Psychology and Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, Faculty of Education, Assiut University3- Dr. Khader Mekhemer Abu Zeid as a member and supervisorProfessor of Educational Psychology and Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs, Faculty of Education, Assiut University4- Dr. Abdel-Moneim Ahmed Hussein, member and discussionProfessor and Head of Educational Psychology Department, Faculty of Education, Sohag University