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Meeting updated figures self-study and strategic plan for the College of Education University - Assiut 2015/2019 with Prof. Dr. Dean and the team leade

Meeting updated figures self-study and strategic plan for the College of Education University - Assiut 2015/2019 with Prof. Dr. Dean and the team leade Reload self-study and strategic plan for the College of Education, Assiut University 2015/2019 under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr Adel Hammad Rasmi  Najdi dean of the faculty group that met on Sunday, 05/17/2015 m in the new meeting room fourth floor administrative building at ten in the morning, and it seemed the meeting welcomed by His Excellency Mr. Dr. Dean team and then select the sovereignty outlines future directions of the college and student team the following points: 1. environmental analysis and documentation of internal and external factors 2. documents self-study for college and sections 3. documents the vision, mission and strategic goals and objectives 4. documents operational plan Sovereignty has been pointed out to focus on new programs that serve the labor market, and focus on international students, and modernization of infrastructure and practical educational college and graduate studies and scientific research in the next phase, God willing, and opportunities for the college as the first accredited college at the level of the Republic of the National Authority for Quality Assurance and vice president of team renovation self-study and the Strategic Plan of the College of Education Assiut University 2015/2019 to provide all potential unity of quality for the success of the Group's work and coordination between team members was to ensure Dr. Mohammed Mustafa Hamad, head of the Strategic Planning Committee and coordinator of the team to the importance of environmental analysis of internal and external factors, and update Documents self-study and identify weaknesses and  matches with accreditation and plan development and improvement faculty standards, all the way after the workshops and discussions, God willing, the vision, mission and strategic goals and objectives At the end of the meeting wished the rule of Dean of the College of the team success in its demanding tasks