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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

College Council approval No. 570 onConvert the college journal from quarterly magazine to monthly…
The approval of the Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department Council on 7/5/2017 to record the…
Approval of the formation of the discussion and judgment committee of the researcher / Gamalat Ghit…
The approval of the Board of the Department of Origins of Education on 7/5/2017 on the…
The approval of the department council in its session no. (211/2) dated 7/5/2017 on the appointment…
College Council No. 570 approved the formation of the committee to update the research plan at the…
Approval of the Department of Psychology on 7/5/2017 to record the subject of the researcher /…
The approval of the Council of Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department on 7/5/2017 to form the…
The approval of the Board of the Department in its session No. (79) dated 7/5/2017 on the request…
College Council approved No. 570 onProposed formation of the sub-committees of the university…
Approval of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods on 7/5/2017 to register the subject…