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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

Loan renewal of Mr. Prof. Dr.\ Magdy Kamel best religion and assistant professor of the department…
Renew vacation MS.\ Dalia Jaafar Ali Hamouda - Assistant teacher section of the academic year 2015/…
Renewal Loan Ms. Dr.\ Salwa Mohammed elsyed - second-year 2015/2016 College Board approval dated…
Renewal Loan Dr.\ Mahmoud Mohamed Emam Amer- for the fifth year for the academic year 2015/2016…
Renewal Loan Ms. Dr.\ Howayda Mahmoud Sayed sixth -lam 2015/2016 College Board approval dated 06/06…
Renewal Loan Ms. Dr.\ Ahalam Desouqy Arif - teacher section for the fifth year 2015/2016 AD…
Renewal Loan Dr.\ Rmaz Hamdi Mohammed for the fifth year for the academic year 2015/2016 College…
Loan renewal of Mr. Prof. Dr.\ ali Kamal Ali Mebad- for the sixth year in 2015/2016 College Board…
Renewal Loan Ms. Dr.\ Afaf Marei Mohammed Murad teacher for the sixth section 2015/2016 AD College…
Renewal of leave to care for a child for one year from the beginning of a new University 2015 -…
Adoption of teaching and learning strategy, Faculty of Education, Assiut University modified for…
Approving the organizational structure of the Faculty of Education for the academic year 2015/2016…