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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

Assigning Dr. Fatma Mohamed Ali Omran as a lecturer in the Department of Psychology (Mental Health…
Accepting the plea from the student/ Mohammad Janny Abd el-Hameed--registered in the first class,…
The council of the Department of Psychology in its session no. 74 in the 4th of December, 2016…
The College’s council agreed number 565 held in 20th, December, 2016 to held the sixth scientific…
he Foundations of Education Department Council agreed in the 5th, December, 2016 to form a…
Accepting the plea from the student/ Hanan Nasr Sharkawy--registered in the fourth class, Geography…
The council of the Department of Psychology in its session no. 74 in the 4th of December, 2016…
Accepting the plea from the student/ Mena William Zaky--registered in the first class, psychology…