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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

College Board approval dated 11/22/2014 alive student / Nasreen Thuwaini Najim Abdullah (Iraqi…
The approval of the Department of Psychology on 11/05/2014 Ali scar Prof. Dr. Samuel // Tamer human…
Council assets Education Department approval dated 11/03/2014 apology Dr. / Mohamed Elmasry for…
College Board approval dated 11/22/2014 cancellation under some graduate students for the academic…
College Board approval dated 11/22/2014 on the applicants under the new students for postgraduate…
The approval of the Department of Psychology, dated 11/05/2014 on the nomination of Prof. Dr. /…
Council assets Education Department approval dated 11/03/2014 the recommendation to grant…
Will hold a workshop for electronic decisions of the masters of faculty members and their…
Council of Curriculum and Instruction Department approval dated 11/08/2014 to strengthen the…
Approvel Council of Curriculum and Instruction Department dated 11.08.2014 the recommendation to…
Will hold a workshop for digital libraries practically masters faculty members and their…
Council assets Education Department approval dated 11/03/2014 the recommendation to grant the…