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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

Education to approve the start of the process for the second season of the academic year 2013/2014…
To approve thenon-acceptance ofmalerecruitsstudentsfromadvancingto postponeorless than a…
The approval of the Department of Psychology on 15/03/2014 AD to form the oral (Diploma in special…
The approval of the SectionCouncil with session (176/2) on15/03/2014ADonMandateDr. /Tamer Samuel…
The approval of the Department of Psychology on 15/03/2014 AD to form a committee discussion and…
The approval of the Department unfreeze and cancellation under the student / Yasmin Mohamed Abdel…
Agree to cancel under the following names of students enrolled after graduate in the academic year…
To approve the Mandate of Prof. Dr. / AbdAlrakieb Ahmed Ibrahim - Professor of Mental Health full-…
The approval of the Department of Psychology on 15/03/2014 AD to form a committee discussion and…
The approval of SectionCouncil with  session Number. (63) dated 03/12/2014 AD seconded to renew Dr…
Approval of the student's apology / Sabir Ahmed Ali Mahmoud restricted diploma in public education…