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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

Education to approve the start of the process for the second season of the academic year 2013/2014…
To approve thenon-acceptance ofmalerecruitsstudentsfromadvancingto postponeorless than a…
In the of events the delegation's visit coming Of Birzeit University and the American University of…
Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Osman Saleh Tantawi, the center's director Specialist to communicate with people…
In the framework of the activities of project development capabilities colleges of education. In…
In light of the events of the next visit of the delegation of Birzeit University and the American…
he approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 15/02/2014 AD registration the…
The approval of the Department of Foundations of Education on 11/02/2014 AD registration the re-…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 15/02/2014 AD registration the…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 15/02/2014 registration the…
The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 15/02/2014 AD registration the…