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Discussion of the master’s thesis in education, specializing in curricula and methods of teaching science - chemistry, presented by researcher Aya Shehata Salim Hussein - entitled: - Using alternating blended learning in teaching science to develop achiev

Today, Sunday, 7/21/2024, a master’s thesis in education was discussed, specializing in curricula and methods of teaching science - chemistry, presented by the researcher Aya Shehata Salim Hussein - entitled:

- Using alternating blended learning in teaching science to develop achievement and some habits of mind among middle school students

The discussion and judging committee consisted of gentlemen

Prof. Dr. Omar Sayed Khalil, full-time professor of curricula and science teaching methods at the Faculty of Education - Assiut University, as president and supervisor.

Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Shehata Mohamed

Full-time professor of curricula and science teaching methods at the Faculty of Education - Assiut University, member and supervisor

Prof. Dr. Abu Al-Saud Muhammad Ahmed

Full-time professor of curricula and science teaching methods at the Faculty of Education - Benha University, member and discussant

Prof. Dr. Rifaat Muhammad Bahgat

Full-time professor of curricula and science teaching methods at the College of Education - South Valley University, member and discussant

Prof. Dr. Samah Ahmed Hussein

Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Science Teaching Methods at the Faculty of Education - Assiut University, member and supervisor