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Prof. Dr. Hassan Mohamed Huwail, Dean of the College, inspects the mid-year exams for the academic year 2022/2023

Prof. Dr. Hassan Muhammad Huwail, Dean of the College, inspected the mid-year exams for the academic year 2022/2023, stressing that the college administration is taking all preparations, coinciding with the start of the mid-year exams, and during his inspection tour that he conducted today in a number of examination committees, during which he was accompanied by a Dr. Muhammad Jaber Qassem, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, emphasized the regularity of the work of the committees and the cooperation of the supervisors of the exams from the faculty members and administrators in order to help the students to perform the exams with ease and ease.

His Excellency also inspected the medical clinic attached to the committees to ensure the presence of all medical and first aid staff to deal with any emergency cases during the exams.