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The signing of a cooperation protocol between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education and with the participation of the Ministry of Education for literacy citizens Egyptian society

Alert important Dear Student / Dear student      Based on the letters reaching us from the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education that in light of the materials the Egyptian constitution was signed a protocol of cooperation between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education and with the participation of the Ministry of Education for literacy citizens Egyptian society to become Egypt free of illiteracy.      In that light will be activated decisions that have been taken by the progress of the jobs to education, which admitted that it would be within the rules of the trade-off for the appointment to be developed has received a certificate from the adult education prove his participation in the project to combat illiteracy, in addition to obtain the participant the financial reward. For those who wish to participate in communication with the Office of the Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development to register. This is for science