Public Service Center
Word of Center’s Director
The Faculty of Education Center for Public Services, AU, aims at connecting between the faculty and society through offering training and educational services to provide the students and community members with different and renewed experiences. Moreover, the center is looking forward to helping the university activating its role in community service through developing its services to fulfill the needs of the local community generally and the Egyptian community specifically.
Since the wise administration of the university (Dr. Tarek Abdullah Mursi Al-Gammal and the administration of the Faculty of Education) believes in the importance of the university role in implementing the country's strategic plan (2030) that targets rehabilitating and improving the Egyptian human energies at the first place. the center has improved its programs and courses to help the beneficiaries get ready for the future. As the future is made for those who are ready for it and participates at tailoring it.
The Public Service Center’s vision is to support academic skills and experiences in order to be delivered to the community. Therefore, the center of public service at faculty of Education, Assiut University seeks developing the offered services for trainees and beneficiaries through different courses and programs to achieve professional development and community service. This is done through developing the skills of our administrators, technicians, and trainers and supporting the center with all facilities and needed resources in all fields.
The Public Service Center’s vision is to support academic skills and experiences in order to be delivered to the community. Therefore, the center of public service at faculty of Education, Assiut University seeks developing the offered services for trainees and beneficiaries, through different courses and programs to achieve professional development and community service. This is done through developing the skills of our administrators, technicians, and trainers and supporting the center with all facilities and needed resources in all fields.
The public service center aims to apply all university’s goals in community services to achieve community development and to work on spreading general culture through:
- Offering services and facilitating them for all members.
- Organizing courses in all fields: scientific, educational, electronic, and human resources development for all categorizes. As to develop their scientific culture and widen their horizons.
- Organizing theoretical and applied studies to meet the community needs, including members and authorities.
- Providing chances for all community members to benefit from the university’s facilities in the fields of Literature, artistry, application, and medical.
- Training community members to use new technology methods and increase their production efficiency in all fields (production- serving).
Administrative hierarchy of the Center
- Center’s chief executive officer: Prof. Adel Rasmy Hamad
- Center’s director: Dr. Hanan Salah El-Deen El-Halwani
- Board Council members: Prof. Emad Ahmed Hassan
- Prof. Magdy Khair El-Deen
- Dr. Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Hamd
- Dr. Shereen Abd El-Mohsen
- Dr.Osama Mahmoud Mohamed
- Prof. Osman Hassan Osman
Contact Us
Assiut University- Faculty of Education
Lectures Hall, First floor, next to hall no.1
Telephone: 088- 242371
Internal: 4710
Fax Number: 088- 2080716
Mobile Number: 01014651335/ 01009860939
E-mail: OR