Quality Assurance Unit
To meet the requirements of the internal quality assurance system within all the departments and administrations of the faculty. This will ensure the ability of the faculty to improve continuously in order to obtain the institutional and academic accreditation for the faculty and its programs from the regional, local, and international organizations
To evaluate the performance of each factor of the educational organization in the faculty, in the light of the local, regional, and international performance criteria. Consequently, we will be able to achieve a comprehensive quality and continuous improvement for the faculty work system. In addition to graduating and training qualified teachers who are able to compete in order to improve the learning process and cooperate with the society and its organizations to spread the enlightenment culture. Moreover, we care about improving the environment, conducting the researches and studies that contribute to improving the learning process. Hence, the faculty of education, AU, will occupy a distinguished place at the plan of special education regionally, locally, and internationally.
1- Evaluating the educational processes through measuring the performance indicators.
2- Spreading the culture of evaluation among the faculty members, their assistants, junior faculty members and faculty students.
3- Participating in the designing and the preparation in forms, applications and tools needed for evaluation.
4- Preparing data base of all academic programs and courses in the college.
5- Participating in the development of the faculty regulations and academic.
6- Coordinating with the center of quality assurance and accreditation in the university and the quality assurance units in other local, regional and global faculties.
7- Following the performance evaluation in the faculty.
- A training course for the description of academic programs and curricula, which was held on Wednesday 29/9/2010 at eight in the evening in Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rajai Al-Tahlawi Hall. Prof. Hassan Al-Hawari, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science for Education and Student Affairs, attended.
- A training course for the development of the administrative apparatus - the library - from 16: 18/10/2010. The lecturer was Dr. Mansour, a member of the teaching staff at the Libraries Department, Faculty of Arts.
- Secretarial Skills Development Course (Development of the Administrative Apparatus - Fifth Objective) from Saturday 10/30/2010 until Saturday 6/11/2010, Lab No. (1).
- The forty-second session of university teacher preparation, from 20: 25/11/2010.
- Effective communication skills course from 12/21/2010 to 12/23/2010 at Laboratory (1). Trainer: Mohamed Salah within the activities of the fifth goal of the project for continuous development and qualification for accreditation - the beneficiary group of the faculty’s administrative apparatus.
- A course in the research skills development program for the assisting body from 1/1/2011 until 6/1/2011. The lecturers are a large group of faculty members, the beneficiaries are the assisting body for faculty members in the faculty.
- A course: a training program for secondary school teachers in Assiut entitled (Contemporary Trends in Active Learning Strategies and Modern Assessment Methods) from 10/23/2011, 10/30: 2/11/2011.
- The classification and indexing course for libraries from 10/24 to 10/27/2011.
- A course on Crisis and Disaster Management (Laboratories Insurance) for laboratory secretaries at the faculty. Lecturer: Dr. Ahmed Abdel Rahman on 12/5/2011
- Theoretical and practical application on how to secure laboratories and use fire extinguishers on Saturday 10/12/2011.
- A course on media in the period from 2-3 / 5/2012 for the masters of administration. Lecturer: Mr. Abdul Rahim Fathi Muhammad, assistant teacher in the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods.
Contact Us:
Telephone: 0882423571
Internal telephone: 4170
Email: mau2019@edu.aun.edu.eg
Board of Directors and Unit Committees
Development and Improvement Plan 2015
For more details regarding the Quality Assurance unit, please visit this link