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Integration of inclined solar chimney with passive cooling technique to achieve low energy buildings


Designing and local manufacturing of a passive air condition system using solar chimney concept
بيانات المشروع :
المسئول عن المشروع : د./ عمرو سيد حسن عبدالله- قسم الهندسة المعمارية (كلية الهندسة)
عنوان المشروع :
Designing and local manufacturing of a passive air condition system using solar chimney concept
Integration of inclined solar chimney with passive cooling technique to achieve low energy buildings
مدته : 12 شهر
تاريخ البدء : مارس 2014
تاريخ الانتهاء : تم مد العمل بالمشروع حتي يونيو 2015
أهداف المشروع :

The main aim of this project is to achieve indoor thermal comfort and zero energy consumption for cooling by new compact passive cooling system easily to apply for the living room of low income people in the New and existing residential building. In order to achieve the aim, the objectives are:

  1. To validate the numerical modeling done in Japan of the integrated system on a roof of a single room (16m2) during the summer season.
  2. To build a compact system (solar chimney with passive cooling) easily to apply to new and existing living rooms of the top floor.
  3. To investigate the performance of the system in an indoor environment of a studio (living room 16m2 + kitchen 3m2 + W.C 1.2m2 + single room 7.5m2) with air exchange between the room with the integrated system and other room.
  4. To investigate the influence of the integrated system on the occupant behavior and room indoor air quality with monitoring of CO2, temperature, relative humidity during daytime and nighttime of the summer season.
  5. To achieve an alternative for air condition in low income housing that consume zero energy for cooling taking into account an economic study for this system.

A single experimental room will be built in Assiut University main campus (or Assiut University area in the new Assiut city) and applied the system on its roof. The second phase will mimic a small studio apartment in which the effect of air exchange between other rooms and internal load will be considered. Cooperation between the team members and the ITTU unit in Assiut University is arranged. Great outcomes are expected from the present study; First, for the first time such type of system will be investigated experimentally in Egypt. Second, a new compact passive cooling system will be built made from local materials (Brick, Aluminum, cheap expanded paper, glass) and depends on solar radiation. Third, an economic study for the proposed passive cooling system will be conducted with small guidelines for the system application. Fourth, the experimental house will be developed and used for student in the educational stages. Fifth, the new system will be published in international journals with high impact factor to support the scientific level of Assiut University. Finally, the present study is an approach to develop and apply the system to multi-floor building.

الجهات المشتركة بالمشروع :

صندوق العلوم و التنمية التكنولوجية (STDF)

كيفية الاتصال بالمشروع :

الباحث الرئيسي للمشروع

د./ عمرو سيد حسن عبدالله
مدرس بقسم الهندسة المعمارية

تليفون: 01002021565

فيديو عن المشروع
نواتج النشر العلمي الصادرة من المشروع :

• Amr Sayed Hassan ABDALLAH, (2017),: "Experimental study of passive air condition system integrated into a single room in Assiut, Egypt”, Energy and building, vol 153, pp 564-570
• Amr Sayed Hassan ABDALLAH, (2017), Occupant Comfort and Indoor Temperature Reduction by Using Passive Air Conditioning System with Solar Chimney Concept in Hot Arid Climate, Procedia Engineering, vol 205, pp 1100-1107
• Amr Sayed Hassan ABDALLAH, (2016), "Thermal Performance and Experimental Study of Solar Chimneys Integrated into a Room in Assiut University, Egypt", 6th International Conference on Energy Research and Development, State of Kuwait, ASHRAE.