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Alumni News and Updates


Alumni News and Updates

The dean of the faculty profeesor/ Muhammad Abo EL-Kasem,the staff members and the employees are…
The Supreme Council of Universities decided in its committee 28-2-2015 to offer more facilities for…
Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab decided on Wednesday 18/2/2015 to declare Egyptians killed by Daesh (…
The faculty of engineering in cooperation with the Information Technolgy Institute (ITI) will hold…
Dr Farouk El Baz Competition for Arab youth  has been launched on 10th Februrary 2015.It is  an…
Terms of conditions: 1- The applicant must be Egyptian. 2- The applicant must have obtained  a…
On the occasion of the closing event of the "German-Egyptian Year of Science and Technology 2007"…
Assiut University in cooperation with German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will hold a workshop…
To download the application form of ASRT Prototyping, Technology Development and Marketing Support…
The faculty of arts will hold ElPT course which is required for postgraduate studies instead of…
Faculty members who want to deliver their research papers to (STDF) Science and Technology…
The ministry of higher education is organizing The 15th Fortunate Egyptian Innovation 2015…