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Alumni News and Updates


Alumni News and Updates

The faculty of engineering took some procedures to reduce the consumption of energy by asking the…
The faculty of engineering decided not to set any exam Invigilation for imprisoned students as the…
The faculty staff club will start its Quran school for the children of the faculty staff. For…
The Egyptian cabinet of ministers decided in 14-4-2014 that no international conferences or…
The schedule of the second semester 2013-2014 is now available on the faculty website.
The Egyptian Society of Language Engineering published itsfirst edition of scientific magazine for…
The ITUnit made a channel on youtube to publish the activities of the faculty. Anyone who wishes to…
Vision Pioneer journal in the publication of advanced research in engineering andapplied sciences.…
The faculty of arts will hold an ELPT course for postgraduate students instead of TOEFL on Saturday…
Applying for the scholarships shared between UNESCO and the Sustainable Energy Development Center…
 The Competitive Excellence Project of Higher Education Institutions announced the last version of…