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رقم الفاكس
البريد الالكتروني:
البريد الالكتروني MIS
رقم الموبايل
رقم المكتب
N/A - 1041
رابط الباحث العلمي لجوجل

دكتوراه ﻒﻳ () , , 2001

ماجستير ﻒﻳ الهندسة الكهربائية (هندسة الحاسبات) , الهندسة جامعة أسيوط , 1996

بكالوريوس ﻒﻳ الهندسة الكهربائية (الحاسبات والتحكم) , الهندسة جامعة أسيوط , 1993

أستاذ كلية الهندسة , جامعة أسيوط , 2013
أستاذ مساعد كلية الهندسة , جامعة أسيوط , 2006
مدرس كلية الهندسة , جامعة اسيوط , 2002
مدرس مساعد كلية الهندسة , جامعة اسيوط , 1997
معيد كلية الهندسة , جامعة اسيوط , 1993

وكيل الكلية لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث - كلية الهندسة, جامعة أسيوط منذ ٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١ حتى أغسطس 2024

رئيس قسم - كلية الهندسة, جامعة أسيوط , منذ 2018-10-01

المشرف على مركز تطوير التعليم الهندسى - كلية الهندسة, جامعة أسيوط , منذ 0000-00-00 حتي 2011-11-15

مشرف علي مركز شبكة المعلومات - , جامعة أسيوط , منذ 0000-00-00

# عنوان البحث Research Year
1 Variational Approach for Joint Kidney Segmentation and Registration from DCE-MRI Using Fuzzy Clustering with Shape Priors 2023
2 The Role of 3D CT Imaging in the Accurate Diagnosis of Lung Function in Coronavirus Patients 2022
3 A New Framework for Precise Identification of Prostatic Adenocarcinoma 2022
4 Linear Regression Classification in the Quaternion and Reduced Biquaternion Domains 2022
5 COVID-19 and myocarditis: a brief review 2022
6 Early assessment of lung function in coronavirus patients using invariant markers from chest X-rays images 2021
7 A Deep Learning Pipeline for Grade Groups Classification Using Digitized Prostate Biopsy Specimens 2021
8 Precise Identification of Prostate Cancer from DWI Using Transfer Learning 2021
9 Role of ai and histopathological images in detecting prostate cancer: A survey 2021
10 Accurate identification of renal transplant rejection: convolutional neural networks and diffusion MRI 2021
11 Acomparative Study Of Classification Methods for Automatic Multimodal Brain Segmentation 2018
12 Heat Diffusion Over Weighted Manifolds: A New Descriptor for Textured 3D Non-Rigid Shapes 2015
13 Model-wise and Point-wise Random Sample Consensus for Robust Regression and Outlier Detection 2014
14 Shape-from-Shading using Sensor and Physical Object Characteristics Applied to Human Teeth Surface Reconstruction 2014
15 Tumor Segmentation in Brain MRI Using a Fuzzy Approach with Class Center Priors 2014
16 2D-PCA shape models: application to 3D reconstruction of the human teeth from a single image 2014
17 Better Shading for Better Shape Recovery 2014
18 Radial Lens Distortion Calibration from Spheres: Theory and Method 2013
19 Random Sampler M-Estimator Algorithm with Sequential Probability Ratio Test for Robust Function Approximation via Feed-Forward Neural Networks 2013
20 SHREC 13 track: retrieval of objects captured with low-cost depth-sensing cameras 2013
21 Heat front propagation contours for 3D face recognition 2013
22 SHREC 13 track: retrieval on textured 3D models 2013
23 Can Lens Distortion be Calibrated from an Image of a Smooth Textureless Lambertian Surface? 2012
24 What Can an Image of a Smooth Lambertian Surface Tell about Camera Nonlinearity 2012
25 Realistic 3D Reconstruction of the Human Teeth using Shape from Shading with Shape Priors 2012
26 Passive Single Image-based Approach for Camera Steering in Face Recognition at-a-Distance Applications 2012
27 3D Object Classification using Scale Invariant Heat Kernels with Collaborative Classification 2012
28 A Multi-view 3D Shape Reconstruction System using Level Sets 2012
29 Heat Kernels for Non-Rigid Shape Retrieval Sparse Representation and Efficient Classification 2012
30 Modeling and Simulation of The Action Potential In
Human Cardiac Tissues Using Finite Element Method
31 Heat Kernels for Non-Rigid Shape Retrieval: Sparse Representation and Efficient Classification 2012
32 Random Sampler M-Estimator Algorithm for Robust Function Approximation via Feed-Forward Neural Networks 2011
33 RANSAC Algorithm with Sequential Probability Ratio Test for Robust Training of Feed-Forward Neural Networks 2011
34 Model-based Multi-view stereo via Levels Sets with Statistical Shape Prior 2011
35 A Fuzzy Framework with Prior Information Unifying Registration, Segmentation, and Bias Field Correction of Brain MRI 2011
36 Fvzzy Framework For Joint Segmentation and Registration of Brain MRI with Prior Information 2010
37 A PDE Method to Segment Image Linear Objects with Application to Lens Distortion RemovaI 2009
38 Incorporating Prior Information in the Fuzzy C-mean Algorithm with Application to Brain Tissues Segmentation in MRI 2009
39 Characteristcs of Smart Piezoelectric Actuators for Precise Motion Applications 2009
40 Incorporating Prior Information in the Fuzzy C-mean Algorithm with Application to Brain Tissues Segmentation in MRI 2009
41 Robust Training of Artificial Feedforward Neural Networks 2009
42 Neural Networks in Multiple Classifier Systems for Remote-Sensing Image Classification 2007
43 Using Fuzzy Memberships and Shape-Driven Level Sets to Extract Multiple Object Instances from Images 2006
44 Robust Simulated Annealing for Function Approximation by Neural Networks 2006
45 On Automatic Determination of Number of Clusters in Fuzzy and K-means Clustering Algorithms 2006
46 Improving Image Segmentation via Decision Fusion 2006
47 3D acquisition of Egyptian vestiges with a hand-held camera 2006
48 Image Shading-based Intrinsics: Derivation and Potential Applications 2006
49 Training Neural Networks in a Random Sample Consensus Framework 2006
50 استخدام برمجيات المحاكاة المتقدمة في العمليات الصناعية لضبط محتويات الأنبعاثات الغازية والحسيمات الناتجة من حرق أنواع الوقود المختلفة لتتوافق بيئيا 2005
51 Lens Distortion Calibration Using Level Sets 2005
52 Image Intrinsic Values from Shading Information 2005
53 Variational Based Method to Extract Parametric Shapes from Images 2005
54 Lens Distortion Calibration using Level Sets 2005
55 Evaluation of Diversity Measures for Multiple Classifier Fusion by Majority Voting 2004
56 Statistical and Neural Methods for Remote-Sensing Image Classification and Decision fusion: A Comparative Study 2004
57 A Comparative Study of Statistical and Neural Methods for Remote-sensing-Image Classification and Decision fusion 2004
58 Robust Correspondence Methods for Stereo Vision 2003
59 Enhancing Genetic Algorithms Performance Using Parallel and Distributed Computing Approaches 2003
60 Nonmetric Lens Distortion Calibration: Closed-form Solutions, Robust Estimation and Model Selection 2003
61 Statistically Robust Approach to Lens Distortion Calibration with Model Selection 2003
62 Robust Methods for Stereo Correspondence 2003
63 Locked, Unlocked and Semi-locked Network Weights for Four Different Camera Calibration Problems 2001
64 The CardEye: A trinocular Active Vision System 2001
65 Reconstruction of the Human Jaw Using Space Carving 2001
66 Non-metric Calibration of Camera Lens Distortion 2001
67 Human Jaw Reconstruction: New Approach and Improvements 2001
68 Differential Methods for Non-metric Calibration of Camera Lens Distortion 2001
69 A Neural Approach to Zoom-lens Camera Calibration From Data With Outliers 2001
70 Comparative Study of Parallel vs. Distributed Genetic Algorithm Implementation for ATM Networking Environment 2000
71 CardEye: The 3D Trinocular Active Vision System 2000
72 A Neural Optimization Framework for Zoom Lens Camera Calibration 2000
73 Zoom-lens Camera Calibration From Noisy Data With Outliers 2000
74 Camera calibration with lens distortion using weakly-localized image features 1999
75 A Neural Approach for Single- and Multi- Image Camera Calibration 1999
76 Neurocalibration: a neural network that can tell camera calibration parameters 1999
77 A new set of features for handwritten Hindi numeral recognition 1996
78 Encoding patterns for efficient classification by nearest neighbor classifiers and neural networks with application to Handwritten Hindi numeral recognition 1996

1 - صفاء محمود أحمد بدوى , استنباط التغطية الأرضية للمناطق الحضرية باستخدام الصور فائقة الحساسية لانظمة الاستشعار عن بعد. ,2013-11-16
المشرفون: عوض صالح، محمد كامل سالم، مؤمن طه المليجى، محمد نبيل مصطفى

2 - هشام عبدالنبى محمد هريدى , تخطيط قبضات الروبوت المطوقة للاجسام ثنائية الابعاد. ,2012-07-11
المشرفون: خالد ممدوح شعبان، مؤمن طه المليجى

3 - عبدالمجيد فارع غالب الجنيد , بناء معالج مصفوفة باستخدام لغة سيستم سى وتقييم ادائه فى تنفيذ التطبيقات كثيفة الحسابات ,2011-05-29
المشرفون: عوض إببراهيم صالح، مؤمن طه حنفى المليجى، مصطفى إبراهيم سليمان

4 - ناجي حمود ناجي الأشول , طرق مجموعة التساوي لتقسيم الصور و بناء المجسمات ثلاثية الأبعاد من عدة صور ,2008-06-29
المشرفون: عوض ابراهيم صالح , مؤمـن طه المليجـي

5 - صفاء محمود احمد , دمج مصنفات متعددة لتصنيف صور الأقمار الصناعية ,2005-10-30
المشرفون: عوض ابراهيم صالح , مؤمن طه حنفى المليجيى

الجمعيات العلمية و النقابات :

المشاريع البحثية