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مؤلف البحث
Ali M. Yousef
المشارك في البحث
سنة البحث
مجلة البحث
Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering
عدد البحث
تصنيف البحث
صفحات البحث
1857 - 1876
ملخص البحث

This paper presents the robust optimal shifting of eigen values control design and application for
load frequency control. A method for shifting the real parts of the open-loop poles to any desired
positions while preserving the imaginary parts is constant. In each step of this approach, it is
required to solve a first-order or a second-order linear matrix Lyapunov equation for shifting one
real pole or two complex conjugate poles respectively. This presented method yields a solution,
which is optimal with respect to a quadratic performance index. Load-frequency control (LFC) of a
single and two area power systems is evaluated. The objective is to minimize transient deviation in
frequency and tie-line power control and to achieve zero steady-state errors in these quantities. The
attractive feature of this method is that it enables solutions to complex problem to be easily found
without solving any non-linear algebraic Riccati equation. The control law depends on finding the
feedback gain matrix and then the control signal is synthesized by multiplying the state variables of
the power system with determined gain matrix. The gain matrix is calculated one time only and it
works over wide range of operating conditions. To validate the powerful of the proposed optimal
pole shifting control, a linearized model of a single and two interconnected area load frequency
control is simulated.