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Fast Multiplier-less Implementation of B-spline basis with enhanced compression performance

مؤلف البحث
G. Fahmy
المشارك في البحث
سنة البحث
مجلة البحث
American Journal of Signal Processing
Scientific & Academic Publishing
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The Bspline mathematical functions have long been utilized for signal representation, zooming and interpola-tion. In this paper we propose a novel technique for preprocessing signals/images prior to the decomposition stage in dif-ferent image coders based on the Bspline decomposition for enhanced compression performance. Bspline coefficients have been traditionally calculated through inverse filtering using a causal/non-causal manner, which makes it non practical for online applications. More over Bsplines are known to be integer coefficients and representations as they are the exact mathematical translators between the discrete and continuous versions of signals. In this paper we also propose a novel implementation technique for Bspline coefficient calculation. This technique is based on a straight forward calculation approach through a Toeplitz matrix that allows parallel processing for online applications. The proposed technique is also suitable for integer coefficients as in the Bspline case. Simulation results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques as well as complexity analysis are presented.