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The committee of Assiut University has taken some recommendations to raise its rank.For more…
The committee of assiut university has taken some procedures in its 649 session that was held on…
The ministry of higher education is organizing The 15th Fortunate Egyptian Innovation 2015…
The ITUnit of the faculty of engineering will hold a  basic track training course for the employees…
Faculty members who want to deliver their research papers to (STDF) Science and Technology…
The Alexander Von Humboldt-Foundation will hold a syposium in assiut university about its grants on…
The Housing & Building National Research Center (HBRC) in cooperation with the Izhevsk State…
Education Enhancement Center in Assiut University offers Cort Thinking Skills Curriculum course.…
The digital libraries of the egyptian universities has launced its new portal quick manual.For more…
Abdul Hameed Shoman Awards for Young Arab researchers asks potential candidates  to download the…
Assiut University Network offers Microsoft Word 2010 and Endnote x7 courses for postgraduate…
The ministry of higher education decided that egyptian universities are not allowed to make any…