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GERSS- German Egyptian Research Short Term Scholarships
New application forms are available for the staff members and employees on the faculty of…
The It-Unit would like  to invite the faculty staff members, employees and students to attend the…
Zain e-Learning Centre in University of Bahrain intends to hold the fourth conference and the…
The Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department will hold the 17th-Annual conference for…
The Head of Mechanical Engineering Department professor/Hany Muhammad Ahmad El-Beblawy would like…
The National Tempus oFFICE decided to organize a workshop in cooperation with Aswan University…
The dean of the faculty professor/Abd El-Fattah Mahmoud Muhammad asks the faculty staff to rapidly…
The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology recieved a letter from Mahathir Science Award…
  PROGRAM GOAL: Provides grant opportunities for university graduates, masters and doctoral degree…
ICDL Certificates are now available